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Full Version: CAFD for ICAM2 needed
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Hey all,

Some might have read in my other thread, that I retrofitted an icam in MY2012 F20.
While the camera itself works, the guiding lines have issues.

To be able to diagnose and code the ICAM2, I build an can-gateway etc. (Thanks to bill57p9 from the bimmerpost forum)

Tried to inject CAFD but it didn't work, since ways couldn't find an matching CAFD for SWFL_00001EE1_017_002_000.

With an can filter I was able to read the current CAFD and also showing the donor vin.

The Reason "detect CAF for SWE" didn't work is, because I don't have a matching CAFD file in my PsdZ data.

I need CAFD_00001D75_017_002_000
somehow, my PsdZ 4.16 and 4.23 only contain =≤ 017_001 and => 017_004.
Does someone have the CAFD file I need?

sadly swfl flash doesn't work with the gateway and will only set my whole car into transport mode, so I really need that spezial one