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Hi guys. I installed atm and nbt id6 with vin donator atm. If I take the car to a bmw for maintenance, do they notice the different VIN? Do I also have problems with connectdrive?


They can read btw the vin and serial of the nbt, if this can be taken as a response to “if they see”.
They can see it only if looking to. However I can not say at 100% if the officials have a blacklist for cars from wich the units were stolen.
(06-02-2021, 07:17 PM)JD_RFTR Wrote: [ -> ]Following.

They can read btw the vin and serial of the nbt, if this can be taken as a response to “if they see”.
They can see it only if looking to. However I can not say at 100% if the officials have a blacklist for cars from wich the units were stolen.
mmmm ... what do you recommend to do?