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Full Version: FlashXCode FA Creator
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Hi Guys

I've created a tool that gives you the FA based on the options of the car

You have also the procedure how to use it.

Short version of the procedure:

1. Copy all the Car Options and paste it into paste.txt file into the above folder
2. Click the Parse Text button and select the paste.txt file
3. You should see all the car options being loaded
4. Fill in the rest of blanks.
5. Create FA

Now you can load it into E-SYS!

Let me know if u find any bugs

Thank You and keep up the good work
Hi, usually it works for me but today it didn't

'Error in module "Coding" while reading element <fa> from XML file "FA_F030_WBA8E12030A688901.xml". [C352]

Error in XML parser: File "C:\Users\SimplyCoded\Downloads\FA_F030_WBA8E12030A688901.xml" is corrupt or not of type XML.  [C087]'

hi,link dead,can you  send me
have a nice day