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Full Version: How to find the correct PSDZ data version (NBTEVO_K)
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Hi guys,

I'm trying to flash my idrive from NTBEVO_K to Y with ESYS + ENET. I have the latest PSDZ data for the new firmware. If I got it right, I need also the PSDZ data for the current firmware (005_012_001:17.03).

How can I find which PSDZ data version do I need? 

I'm doing this for the first time:
  1. I already figured out I need the target selector to be S15A (I have G31).
  2. With ESYS 3.40.2 I get an error when I was trying to read SVT. With 3.36.2 it was ok, so I will use that.
  3. Is there anything else I should know? 
  4. What do you think about buying VXDIAG (Chinese ICOM) and updating all units in the car with it with ISTA P? 

I'm following and

Bump up........