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Hey guys

I recently got G20 320d in South Korea.
Been trying to be active in online communities there but the level of commercialization is too much for me.
I've been looking for ways to code my new ride for optimal driving.
I have no idea how it's done or what to do.

Quite a lot of bimmer owners in Korea are experiencing problems with their TCU module (telematic control unit). It's quite common for new models that come with iDrive 7.0. Neither BMW AG nor BMW Korea know what's wrong. No, it's not that water gets into the antenna which is connected to the TCU, nor is it a rare problem.

I'm not really into tuning or accessorizing all that much. I do want to get tips on maintenance and coding Wink
Thanks a lot.
Hello , Welcome to the Scene!

Which problems to the TCU are you referring to?