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I am new in the coding-game, so please don't mind any mistakes.
İ have a BMW F11 2013 with a NBT unit. İ need to extract/pull my 1b.hex file to generate a fsc code. According to youtube İ need to put some files on a n usb stick and insert that in my usb entry. This is the point where İ need help. İ just can't download/pull/extract a file on my usb stick.

İf any of you could help me extract this file İnwould be really happy.

Thanx in advance
1B is for CIC not NBT. For NBT is DE which cant be done using USB.
Thanks for the reply Big Grin
how do you extract the DE using usb? i was given a usb with some code but it does not work even after 10 times cleaning the usb key
Use job in HUET