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Shoutbox archive
hello am new here hoping to download new version of ista
hello, this is the first time I use diagnostics specifically winkfp, I watched some yt clips on how to code the dsc module and now I did something wrong, I got all kinds of errors, the speedometer doesn't work and the servo doesn't work. please help me how I can return it to the factory settings or how it can be fixed
Hi can i update SQDBLITE and ISTA P Data from ISTA + 4.30 standalone and ISTA P 3.68 (LOADER) ? Anyone idea ? And i have update (copy) psdzdata 300gb into folder but ista shows 4.30 but 4.49. would copied in
Hi it is possible to update sqlites for ista + and database for ista p ?
Hello everyone, for example i have my K+DCAN cable not connected to my car and on ISTA 4.49.23 on connection manager it doesnt show my K+DCAN CABLE, Is that normal? Do i have to plug it in to see if ista found the dcan cable?
Hiho! Guys is there a forum thread to request fsc after dono to the forums? Smile
Someone got a source for ISTA/D 3.47.10?
thanks alot for providing this data
[MGU] Road Map Europe LIVE 2024-4 https://www.bimmerscene.com/showthread.php?tid=6411
PSDZ_Full_up_to_4.49.31 (SDP) & PSDZ_Lite_up_to_4.49.31 (BLP) https://www.bimmerscene.com/showthread.php?tid=6410
v.4.49.31_PSdZData_Lite Posted
You can use any psds data, with launcher, if the car has new cafd than launcher has mappings then it will not be remapped. There shouldn’t be error if I’m correct
which psdz data i can use with the cracked 3.8.1 esys plus?
If you have a new one that would be cool, otherwise the this works Smile
Ill fix it today, do you guys want a new theme or prefer this white classic one
I see MyBB logo at the top of page
Ah, Logo seems to work on Laptop, but not on mobile device!
Is the logo showing for you guys?
& ISTA4.49.3x VERSION AND I-LEVEL OVERVIEW.pdf (AutoExe3219)