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alhusam Oman
(Bimmer Scene VIP)
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RE: Disable SOS 1
Thread Subject Forum Name
Disable SOS BMW F / G Series Coding & Retrofits & Diagnostics
Post Message
(09-14-2020, 08:03 PM)Tuerkay Wrote:
(09-14-2020, 06:06 PM)alhusam Wrote:
(09-10-2020, 08:54 AM)TSTE1982 Wrote: Recode Kombi, HU, ATM / TCB with added TELD to HO-Wort.

I actually did this and still have the error massage " emergency system call malfunction" I know the issue is the battery in the ATM (based on ISTA) but I dont want to remove all the upper car section since my ATM is roof mounted.

Is there anyway to just disable that massage via coding? I tried to Set ST_ECAL_ALIVE & ST_ECAL_TIMEOUT to nicht_aktiv

Adding HO-Wort TELD or coding ST_ECAL_ALIVE & ST_ECAL_TIMEOUT to nicht_aktiv will only work, if you have no ATM connected.
you can try to set "BUB_FITTED" in ATM 3001 ON_BOARD to "nicht_aktiv". this should disable the battery check.

I think it worked. its been a whole day and I did small road trip and the error never showed. thanks!!