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iskullbox Croatia
(Bimmer Scene VIP)
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Registration Date: 10-13-2022
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Local Time: 12-11-2024 at 07:18 AM
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BMW Recall Info 4
Thread Subject Forum Name
BMW Recall Info BimmerUtility Lounge
Post Message
I’ve recently launched a new website: https://bmwrecall.info dedicated to checking recalls for BMW vehicles. While the concept might sound straightforward, it’s designed to be highly useful for BMW owners who need detailed information quickly.

The motivation behind this project stems from my experience with the existing platforms, particularly BMW Croatia site, which provides the number of recalls but lacks detailed information. Moreover, getting additional details required making a phone call, which often goes unanswered. This gap in service led me to develop a solution where users can access comprehensive recall information directly and efficiently.

Feel free to share the site with others who might benefit from it.
I am also open to all suggestions how to improve the site and make it more user friendly!