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Hotsd101 Anguilla
(Junior Member)

Registration Date: 06-07-2024
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Local Time: 12-13-2024 at 05:46 PM
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RE: BMW ISTA-D 4.49.41 Standalone Activated - Torrent 1
Thread Subject Forum Name
BMW ISTA-D 4.49.41 Standalone Activated - Torrent/Mega BMW F / G Series Coding & Retrofits & Diagnostics
Post Message
tested and confirmed it works with some possible bugs.

1. with icom after clearing fault codes, when ignition is turned back on, it does not rescan automatically
2. when you manually scan after that, it freezes for some time before commencing
3. does not support toyota supra, can it be added in config ?
4. it does dont have information search anymore ? did bmw remove this feature without being connected to vehicle
5. when switching between esys or standard tools c:/ediabas/bin must we changed if you want to use easy connect with icom or cables. so ista has its own bin folder which only works for ista. esys/standard tools has a different one. in 4.32 i think it was, same one for all was fine.

Thanks for sharing