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ista 4.39.20 (don't need extra licence)+ latest bases
attached ISTA-D 4.39.20 the newest (don't need extra licence) + latest bases  compatibile [MEGA]


- Ista D, tools


you can click reputation for me if I helped  [Image: smile.png]

Nice using the newest ista
[-] The following 414 users say Thank You to Vojtech for this post:
  • 323Lantis, aberus, abraster, abrek, acailic, Adelfloyd, adrianhisam, ahmed mohamed, Aknas88, AlBundy2023, alex.moise87, Alex7610, alexcopic, ALEXEYT77777, Alexuz1998, alpine3, alsayyad, andymarket, AnjaliFaerber8888, antek1001, Antonio, Aquarius82, aurimas0806, autoniki1, aziz7, azy141, azzlck187, Badjoras, balade, bartekzsa, bass2583, bayrakli, bbssmm, beameup, beba2, bembelis, benzxie, BERKANT74, betonmichl, billyschumi, BimmerBoss, Bimmerjose, bimmerscene, bimmervn, bimmerwork, bimmis, Biotoxic, bitcosmin, black.beamer, Blackbird_84, BMW-E-F-G-I, bmwb8419, bmwgs1200, bmwler, Bodygard, Boernsen, BogyMann, bosseek, braun.daniel, bshs23, bullet19, BzYQ243, Caesar1, CAPTCONFUSED, carcodingexpertrotterdam, carlosyoyo2004, Carpat, castrol, cek151, cetana, chang2, Cherokee, chirag, chirvas, chris88, CHRISTOF1974, cjb, Claum_89, CLEVER24, Codeht, comez, Comforter, Cony212, crazyinp, crny82, crystache, cyberno, Dadussi, daennis, Dallas2theSky, DallasSkyward, Danuk, david0101, davoll, Davorv, defconjuan, deniel27, denox, dentzikhd, Der_Andre, DestroyerDan, dgozalie, dickywicky, Diesel3, Dina_mit, Divisionazul2021, diyhobby, djadde, djmix, djvirus, djzlatyi, dncomputech, Dominikthex, donchris, donjuan020, dov70, Draikon, dreggel, drnemo, dropro.tuner, DubluDi, dupestone, Duraad, dwori, dzrycka, Edi-EZTuning, Eduard77, Edvinzzz, EKBMW999, elain, elements018, elpadron33, elturko, erzza, exrulezz, ezab007, F45Daz, fatcat, feca126, ferrytan25, ffgarage, firas988, FlashMaverick87, flecha2, FluffyPandaBottom, FNAR, fngr, Freak7703, ftp, fugu.adelin, fuse_83, Fuzzy-79, gabriel97, gast, GateSR, genclik27, geoguss, Gibben, gimmy, glt, glusi, Gman22, Golf94R, Google63, Gordon.M3, Gr1k1s, gromelm3, gurduzadumitru18@gmail.com, hacker9, Hamsley, hamudi1004, hares, hasan.altun, hasanthetrk, Heinkel, hekler, hmrtl67, Hojo82, hopasuss, hsenk, hupvik, Hypercar, hys0507, iamd, ibbu0801, ice-np, idriveBMW, iljoss, imge, Incarpaul, individual, ionko0007, Ionutdanica, iRexor, Irishflyer, it3_magic, Jaakko19993, JanuszNosacz, jerome, jessem, jimmyasaf, jjve, JLLega, jokerej79, joshuaha79, Joshualacome, jozza66, julajus, julienjj, Kadised, Kaljan87, Kamil, karelnoel, Karlas00, karli_5, kaxasia, Keith1234, kiki0311, kioji41, KJ_9, kmbeatz, kondzikx, Kostta, Kozzy, Kramer, Krissv, laxy, leonardo76, letransporteur47, liboti, lifestyle, Linux, lirunchang, lowrid3r, lowrider, Lucas, LuiV_F30, lunkafunka, MadMax1963, makselis1, mank3n, Mantel253, manuel0476, Manzanabmw, marcin2518, MarcinGarage, Marexandy, Marianfratila, Mario-S, mario1116@vp.pl, maris232, Mark29h, MasaMra, maspenk069, masterfuu, master_k13, mauro, maverx, Mäxxl, Mensch, Mercedes 1986, mercuris, metalm4, MIKEMountain, mikessc, Miketyson121, miki300, mimikatz, Mister_POI, mitch79, mjurisic.tp, MobileBmwCoding, modernm69, mohamadvw, monguillen, Monty11, Moppi, morto, mr._vegas, Mrktodd1, mrzakspeed, murat-1992, n43_opfer, Napster, Nerka, nhatthuc198, nickb, nikest, nikola88xxl, nikola92ch, nitrousnx, nojmi7, nos_com71, nugeesky, o000154, ocean65, om4r, OnlineGeko, OoDo, ordni89, Ouadie, overcome, Patrutalex, pawelkos, pborges, peppearci, phoneklinik, pichu, piers, pillpusher84, Piwi, pol19, polo2002, Prodiagtools, ProsekTM, Pukay, qnox81, Rabeel, radco555, rafet40, rainman730, ramzes54321, RandomDude321, rasool376, reniek_iw, robert993, robinzon66, rockmi, RomaHN, rperez95, rtrrbtr, rubenlexico, rudyv1, Samm330, sammysquid, sannyk, sari030, Schmidt, Schockobecher, se9303, sebadium, servis3, shawnsheridan, shippi92, shrazy, Siim-o, silvius76, simonchi, sisisi, slayer7, Slim, smarttouch, smithy, sms1878, sn2oop, snowmen, Socius, somak, sotvispen, Spartan, Spike1300, Squizza, Sschraube, Steph54, Stojan, stupfel, stydly, StyvyIE, sunjeven, Supertorm, swadde, swapp112, taljemotors, tamer03, testecu, TheGrit, Thek1d, Thelastmetal, ThE_DoC, The_Magician, Tiga5, titike63, tjosko, tomaszkozak, Triple D, tyrystor, ubnt31, UMUTK, useyourbrains, v1nce, vourexx, vstorm1975, vudka, vukadonis, waka, waleedgrairi, WaliedJackson, webr00t@hotmail.com, whitehatguy, Wholefear, wojtekst, xPax, xxmatixx, xxxprzemo, Yakuza, YERDEZ, yurt62, yutupa, z4p99, Zana544, Zari97, zdekiman, zeekcox, Zocker91
(12-09-2021, 07:50 PM)Vojtech Wrote: attached ISTA-D 4.32.15 the newest (not need extra licence) + bases 4.33.11 compatibile [MEGA]

- Ista D, tools
- SDP 4.33.11
- BLP 4.33.11

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you can click reputation for me and thanks if I helped  [Image: smile.png]

Nice using the newest maps

thank you!
[-] The following 15 users say Thank You to Der_Andre for this post:
  • bobi9999, digi4board, Franckay, glusi, kolok, Krissv, Marika1971, mbn, nemanja, OnlineGeko, piers, sannyk, sylkyone, taljemotors, Zari97
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Robin.Yang for this post:
  • laxy
(12-09-2021, 07:50 PM)Vojtech Wrote: attached ISTA-D 4.32.15 the newest (not need extra licence) + bases 4.33.11 compatibile [MEGA]

- Ista D, tools
- SDP 4.33.11
- BLP 4.33.11


you can click reputation for me and thanks if I helped [Image: smile.png]

Nice using the newest maps
Thank you.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Fuzzy-79 for this post:
  • drewkelly
Thank you best link
thanl you, very much!
(12-09-2021, 07:50 PM)Vojtech Wrote: attached ISTA-D 4.32.15 the newest (don't need extra licence) + bases 4.33.11 compatibile [MEGA]

- Ista D, tools
- SDP 4.33.11
- BLP 4.33.11

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thanks for the content 
you can click reputation for me and thanks if I helped  [Image: smile.png]

Nice using the newest maps
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to MobileBmwCoding for this post:
  • Maid997

thanks for sharing. Can you please offer the file "No_Key" for download again. I couldn't download it and you can no longer find it on Mega. Also by PM.

Thank you for your help,

greetings Marc
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Fuzzy-79 for this post:
  • pippo2022
Thank You very much
Thumbs Up 
(12-09-2021, 07:50 PM)Vojtech Wrote: attached ISTA-D 4.32.15 the newest (don't need extra licence) + bases 4.33.11 compatibile [MEGA]

- Ista D, tools
- SDP 4.33.11
- BLP 4.33.11

[hide]Content is hidden! Please check original post to view it.[/hide]

you can click reputation for me and thanks if I helped  [Image: smile.png]

Nice using the newest maps
[-] The following 10 users say Thank You to sistr for this post:
  • bimmis, bobi9999, Dallas2theSky, Durrtykeyz, hansson03, Hmabuza, hmrtl67, Jeanks5t@wp.pl, jgranlund, laxy

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