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Trouble removing airbag on F30 steering wheel
Like many on this site, I've watched Brian at Kies Motorsports remove an F30 steering wheel many times, but damn if he makes it look easy! Disconnect the negative terminal - check. Separate the top and bottom plastic housing from steering column - check. Access the metal clips from the back side - check. But this is where nothing else goes like the videos. I can move the clips to the side, but I can't get the airbag off. I can get it somewhat pulled up, but not off. I have a new (to me) flat bottom, leather OEM wheel to replace this non-sport wheel currently on there and it is really frustrating that the airbag seems stuck.

Any Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX guys on here with successful experience with this? I'd come to you and buy you your favorite drink of choice if you can lend me some help with this. Or any other advice?

Figured it out.

2013 BMW 328i

Messages In This Thread
Trouble removing airbag on F30 steering wheel - by rdaltonjr - 12-26-2020, 03:40 AM

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