Hi guys im a new memeber and have made the donation to the site but cant access files. Any help thanks
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Hiho, need FSC for a carplay, map update, region change for G20 2023. Anyone can help?
Hi guys, I want to post about my E60 523i battery drain, which section in forum can I post to ask for help?
I also extracted swid_fscshort via hexdump and it is 0028007E, which is same as in lookup, but car won't accept the code
Anyone having issues with wrong navi FSC code being generated for CIC Premium with latest lookup 4.49.13 ? Using Jagaer keygen
# PSDZ_Full_up_to_4.49.20 (SDP) https://www.bimmerscene.com/showthread.php?tid=6410
# PSDZ_Lite_up_to_4.49.20(BLP) https://www.bimmerscene.com/showthread.php?tid=6410
Esys launchers or BimmerUtility will cost you some money though. There is no free up to date solution currently
Install E-Sys version you want (download links on forum here), download psdz data (lite = only coding , full = coding & programming), extract psdz to right path. For coding you will need some kind of launcher or BimmerUtility to remap the CAF files. Without it you will simply not see coding parameters
by chance could someone pm me with some pointers for what needs to be installed to use e-sys? I'm solid on Rhien =gold for TS already just need a little help getting e-sys figured out. Thx!
Hey team, I recently joined and donated to the forum, very happy to see some so many enthusiasts of these fine cars.
Mary , you need to purchase a FSC set, donate to the forum and one will be provided .
@Marynarz 1b.hex file is for CIC headunit, 2019 X3 did not come fitted with CIC headunit and instead is most likely fitted with NBT EVO headunit. FSC generation for NBT EVO is completly different than that for CIC headunit.
any1 know how to pull the 1b.hex from a 2019 X3? I have everything I need to generate my FSC but cant pull my hex file using the center console USB.