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m550df10 Sweden
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RE: FlashXCode ToolKit Reader v3 1
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FlashXCode ToolKit Reader v3.5 BMW F / G Series Coding & Retrofits & Diagnostics
Post Message
(01-20-2022, 09:47 AM)GOOD WORKdragosv6 Wrote: Hello everyone,

Just finished the FlashXCode Toolkit 3.0
Slightly new interface, more information and a faster response rate.

You can use this tool to :

-Connect local or remote
-Identify what unit has your car ( works only for : Entrynav1, Entrynav2, NBT and NBTevo)
-Read unit FSC
-Reboot unit
-Read more info like ( RAM Memory, HDD Serial number, unit version etc)
-Read Car Faults
-Delete Car Faults
-For NBTevo units: close SSH

You can find useful information about your unit like in attached picture.

Works on Windows  8, 10 and 11. Didn't test it on Windows 7 yet.
If someone can test it on Windows 7, let me know!

I've compiled 2 programs :

One  that contains just an exe file : FlashXcode ToolKit 3.zip that contains only FlashXcode ToolKit 3.exe

The other one FlashXcode ToolKit 3 - folder.zip that contains a folder and inside it's the FlashXcode ToolKit 3.exe

I hope that this program will help you!
If you find any bugs let me know!

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