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Silent1990 Belgium
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RE: PSdZdata update! 3
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PSdZdata update! BMW F / G Series Coding & Retrofits & Diagnostics
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It was not that the issue, but thank you for helping me.

The steps to add programing for Ista+ is fallowing:

1.Install Ista+ (in my case ISTA_Standalone_4.39.20) standalone without programming files
2.Unpack PSdZData (in my case v4.46.41_PSdZData.7z) to C:\EC-APPS\ISTA\PSdZ\data_swi....in case you don't finde data_swi create a folder.
3.Go back to the Ista+ installation folder and go to "files_only_for_manual_install"
4.Run the fallowing files in order: - ISTA_firewall_rules.bat (run as Administrator) - ISTA_Reg_Fix_min_x64.reg - AppCheckDisable_to_use_different_DBs.reg
5.In the same folder you have regfiles_full_sdp_blp there you will finde ISTA_Reg_Fix_x64.reg...edit it and change the version of the PSdZData ex. "SWIData"="4.46.41"

(optional to program with ENET cable(is not recomandet) see this: https://mhhauto.com/Thread-Programming-w...D-and-ENET

For G series (also F40(2019+) and F44(2020+)) cheat sheet see this: https://gizliozellikacma.com/en/bmw-chea...22-g30-etc

If you have laser lights or beam assistant don't mess with anti dazzle it may brick KAFAS ecu....I manage to fix it by coding again KAFAS ecu with ista+.