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E61 Automatic Luggage Roller Cover coding
Hi fellas,

ISSUE: I have an issue in my E61 Touring 2010 with luggage compartment roller cover. After few years of driving this car I realized that as I open the automatic (hydraulic) tailgate, the cover pops-up to the top position, BUT after closing the tailgate it should be dragged to the lower closed position automatically (all the time I did it by hand), but it doesn't. It stays at the top.

RESEARCH: after looking on the internet for solution I found confusing information about how it should properly work.
One say it should pop-up (spring like) to the top when you open the tailgate, and dragged back down automatically by the motor when you press close button.
Like so:

Others say that it should automatically dragged up AND down.
Like so:

The reasons of malfunction may differ, mechanical, electrical and coding (cover is controlled by Temic LCPA module).
Mechanical and electrical (wiring, moisture) factors I already checked and even changed the module once, had no difference. I have found the mention from someone that once dealer coded this function off after the oil change.

QUESTION: So the question is: does anyone knows and can explain what coding I should check/perform to make the damn cover roll back to its place automatically after closing the tailgate? I'm looking for right FDL code. 
Hope you guys can help me with this one  I wasted so much time on this, not so important, issue that it became matter of principle..  you know..Lol
There is a dedicated system for pushing the cover back to it's original position and it's quite rare. Do you have this option installed from factory?
(08-03-2022, 08:27 PM)Treiku Wrote: There is a dedicated system for pushing the cover back to it's original position and it's quite rare. Do you have this option installed from factory?
Hi there!

Yes, it is OEM option from factory. Also since I'm not the first owner of the car, I've never saw it working. But there are all needed elements of the system, wiring, module, electric motor, cable traction mechanism, magnetic sensor, magnet on the cover, every thing is on its place. I've checked for every possible mechanical and electrical failure, it is all good. Therefore there is no + coming from the LCPA module after initiating the tailgate closing. I tried to change module twice, different, no luck. What leads only to the one issue - coding.

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