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Servicing questions
Hey guys,

My current drive is BMW X1 xDrive (April) 2017 (FULLY MAXED OUT North America, except M package) purchased CPO in July 2020 at 22.5k miles, after the first owner's lease expired. This is my first car ever.
The original warranty is expiring next week (4/15), and on top of it is one year CPO warranty until 04/22.

I have 3 questions
1) Is CPO warranty 'exactly same' as original warranty?
2) I am planning to give it for the first service (under my ownership) at ~30k miles this weekend. I do NOT plan to give it any more (major) servicing beyond this as I am reasonably handy with my car-stuff. So I will do the oil/brake stuff myself to whatever extent possible. My question is, what all things should I get checked out finally in this last service under original warranty?
3) I wanted to ask how to start taking care of the car 'myself' (as in not being dependent on the servicing). To elaborate, I know 'HOW' to do things myself but I am asking for 'WHAT' things to do? This question is vague so perhaps I will open another thread for #3 sometime else.

Thanks for all your responses!

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