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Problem with Navigatiomap Update CIC, second USB Stick?

I have a problem with the instalation of the newest Roadmap (Europe 2024-1 Premium) for CIC.

It requests a second USB Stick for further instalation, but everything is on the first stick. I am trying to update from 2014-1 to 2024-1...is that maybe the problem? I have the "I" point on the left side of the naviagtion.

Someone else encountert that problem and has a fix?

F02_Guy Smile

I am going to install a little older naviagtion version and see how it goes..

I will keep you updated, hopefully already tomorrow  Wink
So far so good...

Got 2021-1 Premium West on it, works fine Big Grin
Gotta retry 2024-1...
Retried 2024-1 and still it asked for a second USB stick Huh

So I used 2024-2 and it works perfectly..I dont know why it doesn't work with 2024-1 but I guess it doesn't matter now Smile

Maybe it helps someone with the problem of an non readable USB stick by the car. 

Use an external programm to change the USB to FAT32 (just google FAT32 converter and find yourself a programm). 
The first time i used the USB stick Windows said it was already FAT32 but the car didnt reconiced it, so i used a programm and converted the USB to FAT32 and el volia the car registered the USB stick!


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