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Problems with Launcher Pro 2.8.1
Hi all, hope someone could shed some light on some problems I am having with Launcher Pro 2.8.1.

I got Esys and the launcher from here: BMW E-Sys 3.30.1 & ESYS Launcher PRO 2.8.1 + License and have followed the instructions to the point.

But I keep getting an error when trying to launch esys via the launcher (see attachment).



Esys will run fine on it own, but not via the launcher.

I seems i also can activate the token just fine.

So far I have tried using different versions of Java 8 (the included and newer), Windows 10 (tried 1909 and 2004) all done on a fresh OS reinstall every time.

Even tried going with Esys 3.27.1 once, messing with app permissions and also once tried to alter bios and system clock.

Nothing changes.

Any one who has had similar problems or ideas on what is causing the issue?
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to TheNIX for this post:
  • Roku
The launcher is old now and not really supported. There are other options available, PM me if you’d like to know more.
I don't know much, but if I've helped you're welcome.
[Image: clapping.gif] BMW ISPI Admin Client License (Contact for info)
E-Sys LauncherPro 3.7
[Image: mail.gif] Contact me for more information
Hi TheNIX,

If you like to run Launcher Pro 2.X, I recommend you to look for the tokenmaster blog and his Launcher PRO V2.8.2 Build 162b.
You can easily find it if you google it.
This launcher version has valid license untill June 2022, and works fine (tested by myself on a Win7).
Password to all uploads is bimmerscene.com
Same problem here with fresh win10 install.

Solution: Set Regional settings in Windows settings to English (United Kingdom). Then launcher will work.

Thanks DayvG for the solution.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Roku for this post:
  • cosminuk2011
Hello guys

I will try my luck here in this topic. I am struggling with this problem over a month now.

I will talking about E-sys 3.30.1 + Launcher PRO 2.8.155b (tried also with 2.8.2) on x64 windows. 

I installed many fresh windows (8.1 and 10), different releases, up to date or not, defender and firewall off, .NET Framework 4.8, last Java release. 

I can open E-sys without a problem, but if I want to start with Launcher pro, this is happening (watch video).


Before that I had windows 8 on my laptop, like 6 years old, and E-sys was working just fine, but laptop was very slow and ful of s... so I put fresh windows on. I tried also on my friends laptop win7 32bit, like 12 years old, and also worked. 

I read everything on the net about win releases, GodMode, region, istalled like it is written in instructions, changed java folder in original e-sys, installed vcredist,...

I code like 2-3 times per year, just for me, so I think this free release of Launcher pro is enough for me. 

I am out of solutions. Any tips are welcome. Thank you
Hello Asprex,

E-sys is Java based, and when it's launched (either standalone, or thru Launcher PRO), it calls javaw.exe located under jre\bin folder.
Do you have same behavior with original 32bit JRE, and 64bit JRE ?
When you start E-sys thru Launcher PRO, can you see in Windows task Manager (under details tab) the javaw.exe process starting, then suddently crashing ?
If you right mouse click on your jre\bin\jawaw.exe, then properties, and under compatibility tab, can you check if it works better with other compatibility modes (such as Windows 8) ?

You can also go to your Windows Events viewer, and see if you have any entry related to the E-sys application, that might give you more information what DLL exacty exited.

Now if you confirm that javaw.exe just crashes anytime you start E-sys via Launcher Pro, there are several methods to investigate JVMs crashes.
Password to all uploads is bimmerscene.com
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Alec01 for this post:
  • Asprex, Rob
Thanks for tips, I will try and report.

Just tell please which javaw.exe must check? Original Java directory (program files, java,...) or in E-sys directory?
The one under E-sys jre\bin directory.

Also when you right mouse click on your jre\bin\jawaw.exe, then properties, make sure that Windows Smartlock is deactivated (under General tab).
Password to all uploads is bimmerscene.com
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Alec01 for this post:
  • Asprex, ice-np
You were right, javaw.exe is crashing. Just came like for 2sec and gone. I changed compatibility to win8 This is from event viewer...


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