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request for programmer for resurrected frm3
Hi guys, can you recommended me, what a programmer to buy for resurrected frm3 module ? What is best for price/quality ? I wondering for xprog but dont know which one to order via aliexpres I don't know which set it contains socket for frm3 res?
can get hextag.. user friendly for frm recover. Just one click and job done.
Hy, order from Aliexpress or other pages XPROG V5.6!
I can give you a HowTo or do it for you trough TV... its very Simple... it takes 5mins...

soon I'll be providing how-to and frm files and if you want you can send me a corrupted file and I'll fix it.

I will make it available in the vipe area for everyone as soon as there is time

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