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F30 - Problem coding an FLE for headlight retrofit (UNKN id, programming abort?)
Hi folks,

I'm working on a retrofit of LED headlights on my car (2016 F31). I've successfully VO coded one of my FLE's and my FEM with 5A2 and that headlight works fine. However, the second FLE - currently in my car as FLE 44 - I haven't been able to successfully code.

As shown, the FLE currently has an UNKN_FFFFFFFF-255_255_255 value for HWEL. CAFD coding fails with the following errors:

[] SVK-Ist does not match expected SGBMIDs for ecu ECUId:FLE_0x44. Excpected (relevant process classes only): [btld_00002b41-007_000_000, swfl_00002b42-008_020_010], Actual (relevant process classes only): [unkn_ffffffff-255_255_255, btld_00002b41-007_000_000, swfl_00002b42-008_020_010], Missing SGBMID(s): [], Surplus SGBMID(s): [unkn_ffffffff-255_255_255] [THROWABLE]
[FLE - 44] There was an error during TAL execution, please check the log files. [WARN]
[FLE - 44] - [Exception - FLE - 44] SVK-Ist does not match expected SGBMIDs for ecu ECUId:FLE_0x44. Excpected (relevant process classes only): [btld_00002b41-007_000_000, swfl_00002b42-008_020_010], Actual (relevant process classes only): [unkn_ffffffff-255_255_255, btld_00002b41-007_000_000, swfl_00002b42-008_020_010], Missing SGBMID(s): [], Surplus SGBMID(s): [unkn_ffffffff-255_255_255]

Based on my research, this is due to the fact that the HWEL is not expected (UNKN_FFFFFFFF-255_255_255 is clearly some null/default value)?

I did some research and found that this can happen when the IStep versions are out of sync. This makes sense, because my car is F020-16-03-504, and the FLE in question is stamped with April 2016 (and I have no idea what the IStep version of the donor car was, it came from eBay). 

So, I tried following the ECU coding process to bring the FLE43, FLE44, FEM_GW, and FEM_BODY up to the same IStep version (using latest PSdZData files, 4.25.12, with ESys 3.30.1). So, I set my Ship and Target IStep versions as follows, generated the TAL, and then flashed only FEM_BODY, FEM_GW, FLE43, and FLE44 ECUs.


The first three worked fine, but FLE44 again failed with the exact same error as above. I also had to uncheck "hwDinstall" and "hwInstall" from the TAL-Processing list, otherwise it wouldn't attempt to flash them at all.

I also tried the process with clicking "HW-IDs from SVTactual" and then using that SVT to generate the TAL, but that doesn't work because there is no actual HW ID to read. 

After doing the above flash I again tried to do the CAFD injection technique from the "Coding" screen, but it still fails with the exact same error above.

I read elsewhere that this may be fixed by choosing the correct IStep shipment version for this donor ECU, but I have no idea how to figure that out.

How can I fix the UNKN_FFFFFFFF-255_255_255 ID on my FLE so that I can successfully flash and code it?

Messages In This Thread
F30 - Problem coding an FLE for headlight retrofit (UNKN id, programming abort?) - by chambo622 - 08-31-2020, 06:18 AM

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