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Hello and Thank you
Just wanted to say hello and thank the folks (Rob and crew) that put together this site.

I just wrapped up an upgrade on my F80 from the 8.8 to 10.25 touchscreen display.  I didn't have bimmercode, neighbor's Carly doesn't have the features I need and all I had was an E-sys cable Rob via FB messenger advised me to get.

Went on the initial arduous journey of trying to understand esys and how it worked.  After DL'ing the tools and reading the tutorials I got it to work AND I am very interested in learning what else I can do with the car! Pretty stoked I got it all to work without any real problems.

Thanks again to Rob and team... Very much appreciated!

Messages In This Thread
Hello and Thank you - by jaydawg56 - 09-09-2020, 12:17 AM
RE: Hello and Thank you - by Rob - 09-09-2020, 02:16 PM

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