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Hi from the Down Underverse...!
Hello everyone, this looks like a very international flavoured version for the BMW forum. This is my second BMW, the first being an E30 IS. a nice little two door that served me well, but a military career at that time, it seemed more prudent to have a bike.
I rejoined the ranks again picking up an E53 11/2006 Diesel. This was mostly for the towing purpose, but it has turned out to be a great car all around, well until something goes "FUBAR" and that seems to be the same thing almost every time. Turbo leaks and EGR valve failure.

About me, just clicked over the 60yr mark, did thirty years in the military, served on active service in both Iraq and Afghanistan. My time was at the beginning of these futile wars, 2001- 2004. I've been shot at, blown up, had holes put in me and survived. Medically discharged with severe PTSD, depression and anxiety as well as ongoing surgery still. People ask me would I do it again in hindsight... I look them straight in the eye, and say without a word of a lie..."Not on your effing life"! Let the bloody politicians fight it out, the dirty mongrel basket cases.

So, if I should say, or comment at times about something, please do not be offended. I never lie, the truth really does hurt and people do not like that. But lying as we often see, like now, misleads us and nobody really knows what is real or not any more.

I do most of my own repairs now, the last two time the workshop took my money and within a thousand kilometers I have had something fail that should have been picked up during the service check. I am surprised at ow easy the X5 is to work on, well with the exception of the Turbo pipe work. That has got to be the worst layout of pipework I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

I hope I can pick up info and I will share what I am doing and learning as well.


Messages In This Thread
Hi from the Down Underverse...! - by Spartan - 06-20-2023, 06:30 AM
RE: Hi from the Down Underverse...! - by Rob - 06-26-2023, 05:48 PM

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