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Help with NFC and WCA digital key and wireless charging pad
My 2023 530e came with the NFC digital key, but no wireless charging.  I bought a replacement pad that has both NFC and WCA wireless charging.  
When I installed the replacement pad, wireless charging worked instantly, but not the digital key.  When I would try and make my iphone a digital key, i would get error messages.

the KeyCard seemed to work, which was great!  but, no luck at all with making my phone a digital key.  I contacted BMW connected drive support, and they gave me instructions to update the data and reset the system.  no luck.

I put the original NFC pad back in, and it works normally again.  

What am I missing?  Is there something on Bimmer Untility that I can do?  
Something strange:  When I launch Bimmerutility, and look at the FA, under SALAPA it shows NFC control  8wg as unchecked.  also 4VC BMW carpad wireless charing is unchecked, Telephony with wireless charing 6NW also unchecked.  

This is the default state, and the NFC digital key works normally.

That's what I got for info so far.  Anyone have ideas?Before I just put the replacement (combo) unit back in and start randomly checking things, I thought I'd check here so I don't break anything.

It's possible that the part I bought on ebay is the wrong pad, even though it "kind of" worked right away with no coding.  

Does this need to be initialized?  How do I do that?  

Ideally 6NW should be coded. You can trying coding it.
In ISTA ive seen a procedure named NFC reader for engine start, not sure if this checks or initialises the tray and Digital card.
Check fault codes in BDC
If the wireless charging station fails, the following behaviour is to be expected:
Fault code entry in the BDC control unit
No communication possible

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