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Esys 22.06
thank you very much!
Is this all the content needed to program a headlight?
(09-30-2022, 02:15 PM)Obrabować Wrote: Esys 22.06 *NAJNOWSZE*

Nowa wersja Esys, Cognizant Mobility (wykupiony ESG) wydaje się zmieniać format nazwy wydania Esys.

BU obsługuje już Esys 22.06.

Aktualizacja zostanie wkrótce przesunięta do BU, gotowość.

Esys nie jest już rozwijany przez ESG.

Cognizant Mobility wykupił ESG w zeszłym roku i jest obecnie w fazie rozwoju Esys i wygląda na to, że zmieniło kilka rzeczy, takich jak domyślna ścieżka instalacji dla Esys, która nie jest już w folderze ESG, domyślnie we własnym folderze E-sys.

--Aktualna wersja
E-Sys: 22.06 (informacje o wersji)
PSdZ: 22.06.00-JDK11 (informacje o wersji)
ProDiaS: 3.09.00 (22.06) (informacje o wersji)
Jobs: 005_020_000
Szablon: PT01_template.003_083_000
KIS-AL: 5.15. 00
Wymagania systemowe:
Procesor: Intel Pentium 4 z minimalną częstotliwością taktowania 1GHz Pamięć
RAM: co najmniej 512 MB
Interfejsy sprzętowe: CAN/FD, Ethernet, PTT
Wersja Java (zweryfikowana za pomocą): 11.0.8+10 64-Bit (Zulu11.41+23-CA )
System operacyjny (OS): Windows 7 (64-bitowy)
Sterownik dla interfejsów sprzętowych: szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć w informacjach o wersji ProDiaS
Sieć: 2 karty interfejsu sieciowego

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thank you very much
(09-30-2022, 02:15 PM)Rob Wrote: Esys 22.06 *LATEST*

New Esys Version, Cognizant Mobility (bought out ESG) seems to have changed the Esys release name format.

BU already supports Esys 22.06.

Update getting pushed shortly for BU, standby.

Esys is no longer developed by ESG.

Cognizant Mobility bought out ESG last year and is now in development of Esys and it seems they have changed a few things like the default install path for Esys, no longer in ESG folder, in its own E-sys folder by default now.

--Current Version
E-Sys: 22.06 (Release notes)
PSdZ: 22.06.00-JDK11 (Release notes)
ProDiaS: 3.09.00 (22.06) (Release notes)
Jobs: 005_020_000
Template: PT01_template.003_083_000
KIS-AL: 5.15.00
System requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 with minimum 1GHz clock rate
RAM: minimum 512 MB
HW-Interfaces: CAN/FD, Ethernet, PTT
Java-Version (verified with): 11.0.8+10 64-Bit (Zulu11.41+23-CA)
Operating system (OS): Windows 7 (64 Bit)
Driver for HW-Interfaces: for details please see information in ProDiaS Releasenotes
Network: 2 network interface cards

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thank you so much
Thank you very much Sir!
Thank you very much
thank you very much
(09-30-2022, 02:15 PM)Rob Wrote: Esys 22.06 *LATEST*

New Esys Version, Cognizant Mobility (bought out ESG) seems to have changed the Esys release name format.

BU already supports Esys 22.06.

Update getting pushed shortly for BU, standby.

Esys is no longer developed by ESG.

Cognizant Mobility bought out ESG last year and is now in development of Esys and it seems they have changed a few things like the default install path for Esys, no longer in ESG folder, in its own E-sys folder by default now.

--Current Version
E-Sys: 22.06 (Release notes)
PSdZ: 22.06.00-JDK11 (Release notes)
ProDiaS: 3.09.00 (22.06) (Release notes)
Jobs: 005_020_000
Template: PT01_template.003_083_000
KIS-AL: 5.15.00
System requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 with minimum 1GHz clock rate
RAM: minimum 512 MB
HW-Interfaces: CAN/FD, Ethernet, PTT
Java-Version (verified with): 11.0.8+10 64-Bit (Zulu11.41+23-CA)
Operating system (OS): Windows 7 (64 Bit)
Driver for HW-Interfaces: for details please see information in ProDiaS Releasenotes
Network: 2 network interface cards

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Thank you!!

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