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BMW ISTA-D 4.39.20 Standalone Activated - Torrent
Pre-activated version of ISTA-D 4.39.20 Standalone torrent

Skip downloading the SDP (full psdz) since there is a newer version of this anyway. Only download and install BLP and required language files. Then update BLP and/or SDP manually to latest 4.4x.xx version!

Not my work, sharing for Bimmerscene users!


ISTA-D Torrent:
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ISTA-D Mega:
MEGA LINKS with DE, EN, RU, ZH language packs: https://mega.nz/folder/v3pS3LKY#LgNFPfPjcuCm3BsRENZrEw
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Thank you bro !
[-] The following 21 users say Thank You to DubluDi for this post:
  • akela, ali.ackgz, BMW 330d, carlosyoyo2004, dianacarolina, ElvinAmirov, ii60iiii09ii, ir655, jameshrford, Jeppe, luis moura, MadMax1963, mandeep6120, Marvin292, Meku, neilbolton, rostikk, targa666, UnixGod007, Vladutz002, zviadi.2000
Thank you for sharing that
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to wjgud123 for this post:
  • dianacarolina, e91fun, ir655, Rovshan
thanks a lot my friend. appreciated
[-] The following 6 users say Thank You to crazyrs6 for this post:
  • bgasparek, dianacarolina, hera448, Hiroshige, ir655, StureStelben
(02-19-2023, 05:56 PM)ir655 Wrote:
Pre activated version of ISTA-D 4.39.20 Standalone torrent

Not my work, sharing for Bimmerscene users!

Download Here:
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[-] The following 15 users say Thank You to Evgeny for this post:
  • bgasparek, Comforter, dewayne5, dianacarolina, ersen, Gabymoman, ir655, itsmepixi, jafa85, Krivedko, michael1611, MIRZAZA, motman, simotaclaudiu, strzala500
wow good job thank you
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to dmarctwm for this post:
  • dianacarolina, ir655
Gracias por el aporte!!!

Enviado desde mi SM-G988B mediante Tapatalk
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to juantg93 for this post:
  • denusos, dianacarolina, ir655
(02-19-2023, 05:56 PM)ir655 Wrote:
Pre activated version of ISTA-D 4.39.20 Standalone torrent

Not my work, sharing for Bimmerscene users!

Download Here:
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is it working?
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to a1x2c3v4 for this post:
  • dianacarolina, ir655, targa666
Thank you so much for this! Kept running out of mega on failed downloads!
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to PalkaMotorwerks for this post:
  • dianacarolina, ir655, marcintroc01, Millerin330
Thank You from UK

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