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Setting My BMW Car Horn as My Ringtone - An Expression of Luxury
I set my BMW car horn as my sonnerie! Let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast.

Every time my phone rings now, it's like I'm on the road, surrounded by the unmistakable sound of my BMW's powerful horn. It's not just any ordinary ringtone; it's an expression of luxury and sophistication.

Not only does it turn heads and make people around me curious, but it also showcases my love for my BMW. It's a unique way to incorporate my passion for cars into my everyday life.

Of course, I understand that not everyone would appreciate or understand the charm of such a ringtone, but for those who share my love for cars, it's a delightful surprise.

I must say, it took a bit of tinkering to make it happen. I had to find the perfect audio file of my BMW's horn, convert it into a suitable ringtone format, and then set it as my default ringtone. But the effort was well worth it.

Now, whenever I receive a call, it feels like my BMW is right there with me, even if I'm far from it. It's an exhilarating feeling that brings a smile to my face every time.

Messages In This Thread
Setting My BMW Car Horn as My Ringtone - An Expression of Luxury - by Andreew - 07-15-2023, 02:40 AM

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