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12-12-2023, 07:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2025, 04:44 PM by dzooky.)
Torrent file can be downloaded from my MEGA account
Older version (<4.29) contain also Rheingold & ISTA-P so if you want only PSdZData choose only data.
P.S. 1
Just thank is more than enough
P.S. 2
I see that there are still some people who don't know what is torrent and how to use it for download the content. If you are one of them check this >>> or just use Google or other search engine
![[Image: 1250399-1.png]](
My retrofits
F11: 2VB, 319, 322, 323, 430, 496, 5AD, 5AG, 5AR, 5AT, 5DL, 610, 688, 8TH
F20: 2TB, 5AC, 710, 8TH
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ECU Remap Stage 1 / 2
Checksum Correction
PopCorn / Hard Cut Limiter
ECU Cloning
Launch Control Activation
E85 Conversion
DPF / EGR / Adblue / NOX / Lambda and many more.
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The following 1 user says Thank You to maverx for this post:1 user says Thank You to maverx for this post
• tyrystor
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I added into my folder for older versions.
Maybe will be usefull for womebody 
![[Image: 1250399-1.png]](
My retrofits
F11: 2VB, 319, 322, 323, 430, 496, 5AD, 5AG, 5AR, 5AT, 5DL, 610, 688, 8TH
F20: 2TB, 5AC, 710, 8TH
The following 1 user says Thank You to dzooky for this post:1 user says Thank You to dzooky for this post
• snorky079
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Posts: 102
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Joined: Apr 2022
Added newest version 4.45.30
![[Image: 1250399-1.png]](
My retrofits
F11: 2VB, 319, 322, 323, 430, 496, 5AD, 5AG, 5AR, 5AT, 5DL, 610, 688, 8TH
F20: 2TB, 5AC, 710, 8TH
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Joined: May 2023
Thank you very much for sharing
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Thanks for sharing 