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New BU installation missing CAFD files
I need your help.

I just installed the BU with the paid license in a Macbook Pro M3 (without VM) using the ENET connection and USB-C. There is no E-sys installation since this is a Mac, but I don't think I need it for the changes I'm trying to make, which include the lane change feature, easy access, and removing some warnings.

I can access the application fine and code some changes, but when I try to make some of the changes I mentioned, it looks like I'm missing some CAFD files.

Please let me know what I'm missing or how to import these files. I downloaded the latest PSdZdata already, but I can't import the files using BU. I tried all combinations I could think of, but I can't find the files in my local HD.

I don't have BU , but as far as I know , you can't use BU without Esys and there is no Esys for MAC.

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