07-10-2024, 01:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2024, 08:15 AM by Silent1990.)
Please pin this post, it my help others with G maybe F series. I use Ista+ and BimmerUtility but E-Sys may be better for you.
If you are a pro at E-Sys please make a tutorial and let it pin the post so that everyone can see there. Thank you.
Lets start with what I did and fix many issues that I found on internet.
The steps to add programing for Ista+ is fallowing:
1.Install Ista+ (in my case ISTA_Standalone_4.39.20) standalone without programming files
2.Unpack PSdZData (in my case v4.46.41_PSdZData.7z) to C:\EC-APPS\ISTA\PSdZ\data_swi....in case you don't finde data_swi create a folder.
3.Go back to the Ista+ installation folder and go to "files_only_for_manual_install"
4.Run the fallowing files in order: - ISTA_firewall_rules.bat (run as Administrator) - ISTA_Reg_Fix_min_x64.reg - AppCheckDisable_to_use_different_DBs.reg
5.In the same folder you have regfiles_full_sdp_blp there you will finde ISTA_Reg_Fix_x64.reg...edit it and change the version of the PSdZData ex. "SWIData"="4.46.41"
(optional to program with ENET cable(is not recommended) see this: https://mhhauto.com/Thread-Programming-w...D-and-ENET
For G series (also F40(2019+) and F44(2020+)) cheat sheet see this: https://gizliozellikacma.com/en/bmw-chea...22-g30-etc
In BimmerUtility did the following:
BDC_BODY>CAFD_00007083_031_020_216 - Codingdata Body_appl (obd-relevant)
3120 PfInternalMirror:
-CODDT_00_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN default to wert_01 (or manual werte to 20)
-CODDT_00_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN default to wert_01 (or manual werte to 20)
3221 PfFesMaster:
-FesAdaptiveWorldMode0 to Adaptive
-FesComfortWorldMode0 to Comfort
-FesComfortWorldMode1 to ComfortPlus
-FesComfortWorldMode2 to ComfortIndividual
-FesEcoWorldMode0 to EcoProEfficient
-FesEcoWorldMode1 to EcoProPlus
-FesEcoWorldMode2 to EcoProIndividual
-FesPiaDefaultAdaptiveWorldMode to Adaptive
-FesPiaDefaultComfortWorldMode to ComfortPlus (if you press the Comfort button first selection is Comfort Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultEcoWorldMode to EcoProPlus (if you press the Eco button first selection should be Eco Pro Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultLastUserMode to werte manual wert=05 (Every time you turn on the engine it will stay on Comfort Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultSportWorldMode to SportExpert (if you press the Sport button first selection should be Sport Expert)
-FesSportWorldMode0 to SportDynamic
-FesSportWorldMode1 to SportExpert
-FesSportWorldMode2 to SportIndividual
3420 PfSarahMaster (this is the drive assistant and the safety feature combine)
-Ampel_Assistent to aktiv
-Ampeln to aktiv
-Anfahrt_Erinnerung to aktiv
-anfahrt_verhinderung to aktiv
-ausfahrten to aktiv
-einsetig_vorbeifahren to aktiv
-engstellen_assistent to aktiv
-gesetzesrelevanz to GBT_LKA (to you may be different i have installed the LKA system)
-Kreuzungs_warnung to aktiv
-seitenkollisions_warnung to aktiv
-situativer_abstand to aktiv
-speedlimit_change_warnung to aktiv (this one if its annoying you can deactivate in the car section speed assistant at drive assistant settings, i find it very good that if you pass a speed change limit and you didn't saw it or you did not see it on dashboard it make a substile noise that it change the speed limit. try it you will be amazed)
-speedlimit_info to gen_2
-speedlimit_inszenierung to aktiv
-speedlimit_warnung to aktiv
-spurverlassens_lenkeingriff to aktiv
-spurverlassens_warnung to gen_2 (if you chose gen 3 then you have the issue where you need to turn off the lame departure intervention every damm time when you turn on the engine but somehow is not that agressive with holding you in lame)
-spurwechsel_assistant to aktiv
-spurwechsel_Lenkeingriff to aktiv
-spurwechsel_warnung to aktiv
-stoppschilder to aktiv
-strecken_verlauf to aktiv
-uebernahme_geschwindigkeit to aktiv
-voffset to gen_2
-voffset_langsam to gen_2
-vorausschau to aktiv
-wiederanfahren to aktiv
DKOMBI4 (i have also HUD installed)
in search bar i write hud and everything related like navi, speed limit, radio, infotainment, entertainment, abstandsinfo, tempolimit, listen (not list) change to aktiv
then in search bar i write segel and everything in section 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration with segel and segeln to aktiv
3001 Connectivity_A4A
A4A_android to aktiv
A4A_voice_app_support to aktiv
A4A_wireless_android to aktiv
A4A_wireless_ios to aktiv
audio_system to alev4_ram (i do not have B&W but i get the option of the sound customizer like EQ and option to use studio mode or concert mode)
3008 FES
everything beside msa, electric, EDRIVE, HYBRID, and x mode is on aktiv
all that start with ad_ to aktiv
-ampelassistent to gen 2 (if you have gen 1 it shows in menu to select the traffic lights but if is gen 2 its automatically inside and where its recognizing the traffic lights it gonna show you in dashboard, test it)
-ampeln to gen 1
-anfahrerinnerung to gen 1
-anfahrverhinderung to gen 1
-auffahrwarnung to gen 2
-ausfahten to gen 1
-autolimiter to gen 1
-autotempomat to gen 1
-einseitigvorbeifahren to gen 1
-engstellenassistent to gen 1
-engstellenbreite to gen 1
-frontkollisionswarrnung to gen 1
-geschwindigkeitsassistent to gen 1
-gezieltesanleuchten to gen 1
-highwaypilot to aktiv
-individual_info to gen 2
-inszenierung vollkonzept_2
-kreuzungswarnung to gen 1
-lenkassistent_dcs to gen 1
-lenkassistent_plus to aktiv
-personenwarnung_tags and nachts to gen 1
-rettungsgasse aktiv
-seitenkollisionswarnung to gen 1
-situativerabstand to gen 1
-slaautomatisch to gen 1
-slamanuell to gen 1
-speedlimit_akustische_warnung to aktiv
-speedlimitinfo to gen 1
-speedlimitinszenirung to gen 1
-speedlimitwarnung to gen 3
-spurverlassenslenkeingriff to gen 2
-spurverlassenswarnung to gen 3
-spurverlassenswarnung_generation to gen 5
-spurverlassenswarnzeitpunkt to gen 2
-spurwechselassistent to gen 1
-spurwechsellenkeingriff to gen 2
-spurwechselwarnung to gen 3
-spurwechselwarnzeitpunkt to gen 2
-stopschilder to gen 1
-streckenverlauf to gen 1 (this is weird its should slow down according to the curve of the street but mostly of the time does not)
-streckenverlauf_generation to gen 1
-vmin_seitenkollision_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if a car of bike is passing near you)
-vmin_spurverlassen_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if you pass the road lines or road edge)
-vmin_spurwechsel_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if a car of bike is passing near you)
Those 3 options above is maybe annoying but if you live in a city where are a lot of incompetent drivers or a lot of bikers its very helpful because most of accidents happens under 30 kmh where this feature not turning on.
-voffset to gen 2
-voffset_langsam to gen 2
-vorausschau to gen 1
-vorfahrtswarnung to gen 2
-wiederanfahren to gen 1
in the search bar write segeln and choose Nr001 and at topologie you choose what type you have dcc or acc or both if you have. (acc=assistant cruse control....dcc=dynamic cruse control)
I may update it with the time
If you are a pro at E-Sys please make a tutorial and let it pin the post so that everyone can see there. Thank you.
Lets start with what I did and fix many issues that I found on internet.
The steps to add programing for Ista+ is fallowing:
1.Install Ista+ (in my case ISTA_Standalone_4.39.20) standalone without programming files
2.Unpack PSdZData (in my case v4.46.41_PSdZData.7z) to C:\EC-APPS\ISTA\PSdZ\data_swi....in case you don't finde data_swi create a folder.
3.Go back to the Ista+ installation folder and go to "files_only_for_manual_install"
4.Run the fallowing files in order: - ISTA_firewall_rules.bat (run as Administrator) - ISTA_Reg_Fix_min_x64.reg - AppCheckDisable_to_use_different_DBs.reg
5.In the same folder you have regfiles_full_sdp_blp there you will finde ISTA_Reg_Fix_x64.reg...edit it and change the version of the PSdZData ex. "SWIData"="4.46.41"
(optional to program with ENET cable(is not recommended) see this: https://mhhauto.com/Thread-Programming-w...D-and-ENET
For G series (also F40(2019+) and F44(2020+)) cheat sheet see this: https://gizliozellikacma.com/en/bmw-chea...22-g30-etc
In BimmerUtility did the following:
BDC_BODY>CAFD_00007083_031_020_216 - Codingdata Body_appl (obd-relevant)
3120 PfInternalMirror:
-CODDT_00_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN default to wert_01 (or manual werte to 20)
-CODDT_00_SCAL_DIM_ECR_LIN default to wert_01 (or manual werte to 20)
3221 PfFesMaster:
-FesAdaptiveWorldMode0 to Adaptive
-FesComfortWorldMode0 to Comfort
-FesComfortWorldMode1 to ComfortPlus
-FesComfortWorldMode2 to ComfortIndividual
-FesEcoWorldMode0 to EcoProEfficient
-FesEcoWorldMode1 to EcoProPlus
-FesEcoWorldMode2 to EcoProIndividual
-FesPiaDefaultAdaptiveWorldMode to Adaptive
-FesPiaDefaultComfortWorldMode to ComfortPlus (if you press the Comfort button first selection is Comfort Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultEcoWorldMode to EcoProPlus (if you press the Eco button first selection should be Eco Pro Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultLastUserMode to werte manual wert=05 (Every time you turn on the engine it will stay on Comfort Plus)
-FesPiaDefaultSportWorldMode to SportExpert (if you press the Sport button first selection should be Sport Expert)
-FesSportWorldMode0 to SportDynamic
-FesSportWorldMode1 to SportExpert
-FesSportWorldMode2 to SportIndividual
3420 PfSarahMaster (this is the drive assistant and the safety feature combine)
-Ampel_Assistent to aktiv
-Ampeln to aktiv
-Anfahrt_Erinnerung to aktiv
-anfahrt_verhinderung to aktiv
-ausfahrten to aktiv
-einsetig_vorbeifahren to aktiv
-engstellen_assistent to aktiv
-gesetzesrelevanz to GBT_LKA (to you may be different i have installed the LKA system)
-Kreuzungs_warnung to aktiv
-seitenkollisions_warnung to aktiv
-situativer_abstand to aktiv
-speedlimit_change_warnung to aktiv (this one if its annoying you can deactivate in the car section speed assistant at drive assistant settings, i find it very good that if you pass a speed change limit and you didn't saw it or you did not see it on dashboard it make a substile noise that it change the speed limit. try it you will be amazed)
-speedlimit_info to gen_2
-speedlimit_inszenierung to aktiv
-speedlimit_warnung to aktiv
-spurverlassens_lenkeingriff to aktiv
-spurverlassens_warnung to gen_2 (if you chose gen 3 then you have the issue where you need to turn off the lame departure intervention every damm time when you turn on the engine but somehow is not that agressive with holding you in lame)
-spurwechsel_assistant to aktiv
-spurwechsel_Lenkeingriff to aktiv
-spurwechsel_warnung to aktiv
-stoppschilder to aktiv
-strecken_verlauf to aktiv
-uebernahme_geschwindigkeit to aktiv
-voffset to gen_2
-voffset_langsam to gen_2
-vorausschau to aktiv
-wiederanfahren to aktiv
DKOMBI4 (i have also HUD installed)
in search bar i write hud and everything related like navi, speed limit, radio, infotainment, entertainment, abstandsinfo, tempolimit, listen (not list) change to aktiv
then in search bar i write segel and everything in section 3000 Anzeige_Konfiguration with segel and segeln to aktiv
3001 Connectivity_A4A
A4A_android to aktiv
A4A_voice_app_support to aktiv
A4A_wireless_android to aktiv
A4A_wireless_ios to aktiv
audio_system to alev4_ram (i do not have B&W but i get the option of the sound customizer like EQ and option to use studio mode or concert mode)
3008 FES
everything beside msa, electric, EDRIVE, HYBRID, and x mode is on aktiv
all that start with ad_ to aktiv
-ampelassistent to gen 2 (if you have gen 1 it shows in menu to select the traffic lights but if is gen 2 its automatically inside and where its recognizing the traffic lights it gonna show you in dashboard, test it)
-ampeln to gen 1
-anfahrerinnerung to gen 1
-anfahrverhinderung to gen 1
-auffahrwarnung to gen 2
-ausfahten to gen 1
-autolimiter to gen 1
-autotempomat to gen 1
-einseitigvorbeifahren to gen 1
-engstellenassistent to gen 1
-engstellenbreite to gen 1
-frontkollisionswarrnung to gen 1
-geschwindigkeitsassistent to gen 1
-gezieltesanleuchten to gen 1
-highwaypilot to aktiv
-individual_info to gen 2
-inszenierung vollkonzept_2
-kreuzungswarnung to gen 1
-lenkassistent_dcs to gen 1
-lenkassistent_plus to aktiv
-personenwarnung_tags and nachts to gen 1
-rettungsgasse aktiv
-seitenkollisionswarnung to gen 1
-situativerabstand to gen 1
-slaautomatisch to gen 1
-slamanuell to gen 1
-speedlimit_akustische_warnung to aktiv
-speedlimitinfo to gen 1
-speedlimitinszenirung to gen 1
-speedlimitwarnung to gen 3
-spurverlassenslenkeingriff to gen 2
-spurverlassenswarnung to gen 3
-spurverlassenswarnung_generation to gen 5
-spurverlassenswarnzeitpunkt to gen 2
-spurwechselassistent to gen 1
-spurwechsellenkeingriff to gen 2
-spurwechselwarnung to gen 3
-spurwechselwarnzeitpunkt to gen 2
-stopschilder to gen 1
-streckenverlauf to gen 1 (this is weird its should slow down according to the curve of the street but mostly of the time does not)
-streckenverlauf_generation to gen 1
-vmin_seitenkollision_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if a car of bike is passing near you)
-vmin_spurverlassen_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if you pass the road lines or road edge)
-vmin_spurwechsel_kmh or in your case mph to p_00 (this is the minimum kmh/mph to activate the warning and the intervention of the steering if a car of bike is passing near you)
Those 3 options above is maybe annoying but if you live in a city where are a lot of incompetent drivers or a lot of bikers its very helpful because most of accidents happens under 30 kmh where this feature not turning on.
-voffset to gen 2
-voffset_langsam to gen 2
-vorausschau to gen 1
-vorfahrtswarnung to gen 2
-wiederanfahren to gen 1
in the search bar write segeln and choose Nr001 and at topologie you choose what type you have dcc or acc or both if you have. (acc=assistant cruse control....dcc=dynamic cruse control)
I may update it with the time