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11-26-2020, 10:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2022, 08:20 PM by XuLeTZ.)
No more password for this tool.
Please download and use.
ATTENTION: For HU_EntryNav2 I found out that the tool can delete the service history and can`t write it back. So if you have entrynav2, this tool is not for you.
Very easy to use, just don`t forget to save the session every time you add a new input and next time just click Open, open your last service, add the new one in and save it again for next time.
Bellow you have the tutorial on how to use it.
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(11-26-2020, 10:53 PM)XuLeTZ Wrote: Huge thanks to @scorpium59 who added turbo, egr and dpf
As you can see from the picture, you can add your own service history to the headunit.
I will provide the password for the archive only to users who did "Add Thank you" and "Rate".
Please PM for password only after REP added and Thanks.
[HIDE][/HIDE] Tnx man 
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nice one buddy. does it work with ediabas (like hu service tool) or does it use another interface?
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(11-27-2020, 10:52 AM)Tuerkay Wrote: nice one buddy. does it work with ediabas (like hu service tool) or does it use another interface? I really don`t know. I have EDIABAS, I will not remove it just to test.
If you don`t have ediabas, just try and see if it`s working.
The old one I know needed java and ediabas and pretty difficult to use, this one is easier.
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(11-26-2020, 10:53 PM)XuLeTZ Wrote: Huge thanks to @scorpium59 who added turbo, egr and dpf
As you can see from the picture, you can add your own service history to the headunit.
I will provide the password for the archive only to users who did "Add Thank you" and "Rate".
Please PM for password only after REP added and Thanks.
[HIDE]Content is hidden! Please check original post to view it.[/HIDE] it work with G series ?
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(11-27-2020, 12:25 PM)GileraDNA Wrote: (11-26-2020, 10:53 PM)XuLeTZ Wrote: Huge thanks to @scorpium59 who added turbo, egr and dpf
As you can see from the picture, you can add your own service history to the headunit.
I will provide the password for the archive only to users who did "Add Thank you" and "Rate".
Please PM for password only after REP added and Thanks.
[HIDE]Content is hidden! Please check original post to view it.[/HIDE] it work with G series ? It should
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The following 20 users say Thank You to XuLeTZ for this post:20 users say Thank You to XuLeTZ for this post
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